Message from Jason: Thank You


Date: Nov. 5, 2014

It has been a profound honor working alongside you these past eleven months to cast a better vision for the future of our state.

While the results are not what we had hoped for, we have much to be proud of.

We put education and middle-class families at the forefront of the discussion. We reached out to the many diverse communities of this state in unprecedented ways. And we built one of the strongest grassroots campaigns this state has ever seen.

Every call made, dollar donated and door knocked was not wasted.

We accomplished something real and our state is better because of it.

The biggest thing Kate and I will take away from this experience is the passion we encountered across the state. Georgians of all ages, ethnicities, incomes and neighborhoods are fighting every day for a better future they know is possible.

That passion inspired us every step of the way and will be a constant reminder to us that Georgia really is ready.

Thank you for all your support. We have so much to be proud of.

